A Tu B’Shvat Celebration
Come and twist your way through the joy of Challah making and through the ins and outs of the art
the Fruit carving.
Learn how to make your own Challah from scratch, try your hand at Challah napkin holders, six braid and many more.
Come watch as a chef dazzle and delights with his exquisite fruit creations.
Learn the mystical connection between Challah, fruit and Tu B’Shvat.
Thursday, February 9, 7:00 PM
Renaissance on Charleston Harbor (Patriots Point)
100 N. Plaza Court, Mount Pleasant 2946
Fee: $10 sponsor $180
For more info or to RSVP 843-884-2323info@
the festival of Jewish unity
All Welcome
Fun for all ages
Snake & Reptile Show
Jumping castle
Sunday May 22
For more info or to RSVP please email [email protected] or call 884 2323
Hunting Eichmann
How a Band of Survivors and a Young Spy Agency Chased Down the World's Most Notorious Nazi
Hear New York Times bestselling author Neal Bascomb recount one of History’s Most Fascinating, Dramatic, and Morally Significant Secret Operations – the capture of Adolf Eichmann.
Based on groundbreaking new information, interviews, recently declassified documents and meticulous research, this is a story not to be missed.
Thursday, November 18, 7:00 PM
At the Holiday Inn, Mt Pleasant
250 Johnnie Dodds Blvd. (at the foot of the Ravanel Bridge)
Couvert $10 Student $5 Evening Sponsor $180*
*Sponsors cocktails & conversation with Neal 6:00 PM
For more info or to RSVP please email [email protected] or call 884 2323
Join us for the 4th annual
Sushi In The Sukkah Celebration
• Sushi Bar
• Open Bar
• Children’s Entertainment
• Please Bring Your Musical Instruments As We Sing Together Under The Sukkah
Sunday, September 26, 3:00–5:00 pm
All Welcome
@ 734 York Street, Mt Pleasant
$180 to sponsor
For more info or to RSVP please contact Sarah @ 884 2323 0r [email protected]
Tashlich* Sunset Cruise
And evening of joy, fun and fulfillment
Come and enjoy the cool coastal breeze and unwind on a sunset cruise through the Charleston harbor as you are treated to:
Buffet Dinner
Open bar
Live music
Bring along your musical instruments and sing along together under the stars
All welcome
Thursday, September 16, 6:30-8:30 PM
$24 per person Sponsor $180
Limited space please RSVP early to [email protected] or call 884 2323
Cruise departs Shem Creek
*Tashlich is the ancient Jewish tradition of casting into the open sea all of the negative energies that have built up over the year to make possibilities of greatness in the new year.
On Thursday, May 27th its chief Nazi-hunter, Israel director Dr. Efraim Zuroff, will come to Charleston and tell the behind-the-scenes story of how Holocaust perpetrators were tracked down, exposed and brought to justice-the trials and the tribulations, the successes and the failures-of the past three decades.
Thursday, May 27th – 7 PM
At the Holiday Inn, Mt Pleasant
250 Johnnie Dodds Blvd. (at the foot of the Ravanel Bridge)
Couvert $10 Student $5 Evening Sponsor $180*
*Sponsors cocktail & conversation 6:00 PM
For more info or to RSVP please email [email protected] or call 884 2323
Post Chanukah Bowling Bash
Leon Leyson, was 13 years old when his father brought him into Oskar Schindller's enamelware factory. He caught the eye of Schindler, who developed a fondness for the skinny Jewish kid, nicknaming him "Little Leyson" and showed him many kindnesses such as offering him extra food rations and excusing him from night shift whe his vision began to fail. Because of Schindler's heroic actions, Leon, and many other Jews were spared the harsh fate of the Nazi extermination camps.
After the war, Leyson spent three years in a displaced persons camp near Frankfurt, Germany. He came to the U.S. in 1949, served in the U.S. Army and and became a high school teacher, a position he held for 39 years. Leyson has been featured in several documentaries and television programs, and continues to share his experiences with school and community groups.
Join us for this rare opportunity as Leon Leyson relates his fascinating story of life inside the factory of Oskar Schindler.
For RSVP or for more info email [email protected] or call 884 2323
Join us for the 3rd annual
Sushi In The Sukkah Celebration
• Sushi Bar
• Open Bar
• Children’s Entertainment
• Please Bring Your Musical Instruments As We Sing Together Under The Sukkah
Thursday, October 8, 5:30–7:30 pm
All Welcome
@ 51 Vincent Drive, Mt Pleasant
(off Coleman Blvd behind the Food Lion & Starbuks)
$8/person $25/ family $180/sponsor
For more info or to RSVP please contact Sarah @ 884 2323 0r [email protected]
Tashlich* Sunset Cruise
And evening of joy, fun and fulfillment
Come and enjoy the cool coastal breeze and unwind on a sunset cruise through the Charleston harbor as you are treated to:
Buffet Dinner
Open bar
Live music
Bring along your musical instruments and sing along together under the stars
All welcome
Thursday, September 24, 6-8 PM
$24 per person Sponsor $180
Limited space please RSVP early to [email protected] or call 884 2323
Cruise departs Shem Creek
*Tashlich is the ancient Jewish tradition of casting into the open sea all of the negative energies that have built up over the year to make possibilities of greatness in the new year.
the festival of Jewish unity
Fun for all ages
Hot Air Balloon Rides*
Jumping castle
Kite Making
Sunday May 17
1 Patriots Point Road, Mt Pleasant
For more info or to RSVP please email [email protected] or call 884 2323
*Weather permitting
The Land and The Spirit Course
Join The Coolest Purim Party Ever
@ The Carolina Ice Palace
Animated Megillah Reading . Delicious Dinner . Costume Contest . Music . Bar . Skating .
Tuesday March 10
Megillah Reading – 5:15
Dinner - 5:45
Costume Contest – 6:15
Ice Skating – 6:30
$10 Adult $5 Child $180 Sponsor
Prepay at charlestonyad.org or at door
For more info or to RSVP [email protected]
884 2323
Carolina Ice Palace 7665 Northwoods Blvd (Northwoods & Ashley Phosphate Rd)
Come and have a Chanukah Bowl
All Welcome
For more info or to RSVP please call 884-2323 or email [email protected]
Join us for the 2nd annual
Sushi In The Sukkah Celebration
• Sushi Bar
• Open Bar
• Children’s Entertainment
• Please Bring Your Musical Instruments As We Sing Together Under The Sukkah
All Welcome
@ 51 Vincent Drive, Mt Pleasant
(off Coleman Blvd behind the Food Lion & Starbuks)
$8/person $25/ family $180/sponsor
For more info or to RSVP please contact Sarah @ 884 2323 0r [email protected]
Tashlich* Sunset Cruise
And evening of joy, fun and fulfillment
Come and enjoy the cool coastal breeze and unwind on a sunset cruise through the Charleston harbor as you are treated to:
Light hors d'oeuvres
Open bar
Live music
Bring along your musical instruments and sing along together under the stars
All welcome
Sunday, October 5 6-8 PM
$22 per person Sponsor $180
Limited space please RSVP early to [email protected] or call 884 2323
Cruise departs the Charleston Harbor Marina @ Patriots Point
* Tashlich is the ancient Jewish tradition of casting into the open sea all of the negative energies that have built up over the year to make possibilities of greatness in the new year.
The Shofar Factory
Sunday September 21
A hands on experience for the entire family
All Welcome
Make and take home your very own Shofar
Feel free to bring along your power tools
Two sessions: 2:30 & 4:30 PM
Cost $8
@ the Holiday Inn Patriots Point
250 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Mt Pleasant
To RSVP or for more info please contact Sarah of Rabbi Yossi @ [email protected] or 884 2323
All Welcome DATE: Sunday May 25
Hypnotic Purim Shabbat
We are delighted to invite older unmarried adults to a Shabbat Dinner on February 8th (the coming Friday night) at 7:00 PM to spend time together as a family with other likeminded individuals. We hope this will be the first of many events to reach older adults within our community.
It would be greatly appreciated if you would share this information with friends, family or associates who may be interested in joining us for this evening of good food, good company and Good Shabbat and to discuss future activities of interest.
Thank you for helping us make this a special event!
For further information or to RSVP, please contact: Donna Powell @ 843-388-1948 or [email protected]