High Holidays
at Center for Jewish Life
Message from the Rabbi & rebbetzin
We at Chabad of Charleston join you in hope and prayer as together we approach the new Jewish year of 5776.
Together we'll listen to the call of the Shofar, taste the sweetness of the Apple-and-Honey, recommit to G‑d on Yom Kippur.
Let us all join together in our synagogues, in our homes, and in our hearts, wishing all and each other a year filled with only the sweetest of blessings.
Shana Tovah 
Wishing you a happy & sweet New Year!,
Yossi & Sarah Refson 
P.S. Children's service accompany all daytime services 
Service Schedule
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 - Thursday, Sep 21
Morning Service: 10:30am
Shofar Sounding: 11:30am
Rosh Hashanah Day 2 - Friday, Sep 22
Morning Service: 10:30am
Shofar Sounding: 11:30am
Yom Kippur Eve - Friday, Sep 29
Kol Nidrei Services: 7:00pm
Yom Kippur Day -  Saturday, Sep 30

Morning Services: 10:30am
Yizkor Memorial Service: 12:00pm
Mincha and Neilah Closing Service: 5:45pm
Fast Ends followed by Break-Fast : 7:41pm

Sukkot - Sunday, October 8
Sushi in the Sukkah: 2:00 - 4:00pm
Simchat Torah - Thursday, October 12
‘Hakafot” Dancing with Torah: 6:30pm
Join us for services at the Center for Jewish Life
477 Mathis Ferry Road, Mt Plrasant.
The prayers are warm. The melodies are timeless. The people are friendly. The kids have a program. And everyone feels at home. Welcome to high holiday services at Center for Jewish Life. Where we already saved you a seat.
Services conducted in English and Hebrew, spiced with inspiring tunes and english readings throughout - allowing all to absorb the experience at their own level and pace. Reminding us all – that we all stand equally beloved before G‑d.
Special children’s holiday program & service. Advance rsvp appreciated but not necessary.
Kids Program
Led by our experienced and energetic staff, we will provide fun and educational programs for your children while you attend services. Each group will enjoy age appropriate games, stories, discussions, prayers and songs.
Kids Programs are held during day time services