Soup salad and soul.
Join our Wednesday women’s class for a light lunch as we investigate together the weekly Torah portion. In these studies of our most sacred text, we will weave together centuries of Jewish scholarship and wisdom, focusing them through the prism of Chassidic and Kabalistic spirituality, resulting in fresh insights and Psycho-spiritual lessons in the quest for a more meaningful life, themes no less relevant today than in our long and distinguished past.
Every Wednesday 12:30 – 1:30 at 734 York St. For more info. or email[email protected] or 884 2323.
Fascinating Facts: Exploring the Myths and Mysteries of Judaism
Does Judaism believe in guardian angels? Why do Jews use matchmakers? Who wrote the handwriting on the wall? A fun course in Jewish cultural literacy, full of surprising facts, myths, and mysteries surrounding Jewish tradition and practice.
Whether you're a maverick, a trivia buff, or just looking to build a basic knowledge of your Judaism, this should interest you.
Begins on: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 and on 6 subsequent Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30pm
At 734 York St, Mt. Pleasant
For more information please call 884 2323 or email [email protected].
Learn to Speak and Understand Yiddish
Sarah’s Yiddish course will teach you basic Yiddish communication, comprehension and conversational skills. Vocabulary, grammar and idiomatic expressions will be covered in this fun, exciting introduction to “mameh-loshn” (mother tongue) - as Yiddish has been affectionately called by its native speakers for centuries. This richly expressive language of East European Jews, Yiddish was, for several centuries, spoken by more Jews throughout the world than any other language – including Hebrew. This course will be geared to beginners, but Yiddish speakers of all levels are welcome to join in the fun. So, “kumt khapn a shmues” (come have a chat), “redt, shmeykhlt un lakht mit undz” (talk, smile and laugh with us). “S’vet zayn a groyser fargenign!” (It’ll be loads of fun!)
Tuesday nights – start date TBD.
At 734 York St, Mt Pleasant
If you are interested in this class please call 884 2323 or email [email protected]