Holiday Inn Mt. Pleasant
250 Johnnie Dodds Boulevard (at the foot of the Ravenel Bridge)
$8 person, $180 sponsor
Space is limited | Reservations required.
Larry Tillemans
As a sergeant in the Third U.S. Army, it was Tillemans’ duty to document the statements of Holocaust victims and perpetrators for prosecution the Nuremberg and Dachau war crimes. The testimony he recorded and the singular nature of the Shoah deeply affected the young man. He carried this emotional burden for years until one day in 1990s, Tillemans decided he must tell younger generations what he had witnessed.
Since then Tillemans has traveled the country, recounting his one-of-a-kind story and his profound with to prevent future Holocausts. On his first visit to the Low Country, meet Larry Tillemans and hear his powerful story.
For information or RSVP: 843.884.2323 | [email protected]